Pilot tender for agrivoltaic projects in Luxembourg

Participate in the pilot tender launched by the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning exclusively for the installation of so-called agrivoltaic systems ("agri-PV"). The aim is for these "agri-PV" installations to provide a triple win-win situation in terms of renewable electricity production, agricultural production, as well as biodiversity and nature protection.

Main requirements for participation

The tender is divided into two lots and four categories:

  • Lot 1: Ground-mounted installation, vertical bifacial panels or Tracker (power > 100 kWp and ≤ 5 MWp):
    • Category 1: grassland used for forage or grass production.
    • Category 2: grassland used for livestock production (including poultry farming).
    • Category 3: arable land for all crops (including special crops).
  • Batch 2: Shading systems (power > 100 kWp and ≤ 5 MWp):
    • Category 4: special crops.

Building-mounted installations are excluded, as are defined non-eligible areas.

An active farmer must be involved in the project.

A concept presenting the agricultural project and demonstrating the improvement of the ecological quality of the area must be submitted.

Successful projects benefit from a market premium contract for the injection of the electricity produced for a period of 15 years.

The detailed terms and conditions of the call for tenders are described in a set of specifications. The specifications are sent by e-mail to anyone who requests them at the following address


Find all the terms and conditions for participating in the call for tenders on



Download the presentation - Call for tenders for "agri-PV" installations of 16 December 2022