Information session for professionals on the national subsidy programme Klimabonus
Klima-Agence, along with the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Housing, the Chambre des Métiers, the Fédération des Artisans, the Fédération du Génie Technique and the Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils, invites you to an information session about the government subsidy programme Klimabonus for the promotion of sustainability, energy efficiency and renewable energies in housing.
The obligation scheme incentivises energy efficiency
Since January 2015, the Luxembourg government introduced a mechanism that obliges natural gas and electricity suppliers to generate energy savings for consumers. The obligation scheme is an innovative measure for mobilising energy efficiency.
Electricity and natural gas suppliers, the so-called 'obligated parties', offer services, assisting and advising consumers on the implementation of energy-efficiency measures.
Consumers can make use of a high-quality, local service offer adapted to their needs, provided by experienced service providers in the field of energy.
Nouveau programme Klimabonus : mesures d'aides financières réformées et renforcées, pour la mise en œuvre de la transition écologique, énergétique et sociale
Mardi 10 mai 2022 - La ministre de l’Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable, Joëlle Welfring, le ministre de l’Énergie, Claude Turmes, et le ministre du Logement, Henri Kox ont présenté le nouveau programme de subventions de l'État luxembourgeois Klimabonus pour faire face au changement climatique et pour accélérer la transition écologique, énergétique et sociale.