The obligation scheme incentivises energy efficiency
Since January 2015, the Luxembourg government introduced a mechanism that obliges natural gas and electricity suppliers to generate energy savings for consumers. The obligation scheme is an innovative measure for mobilising energy efficiency.
Electricity and natural gas suppliers, the so-called 'obligated parties', offer services, assisting and advising consumers on the implementation of energy-efficiency measures.
Consumers can make use of a high-quality, local service offer adapted to their needs, provided by experienced service providers in the field of energy.
Legislative amendments concerning the state subsidies for the installation of charging stations
The Règlement Grand-Ducal of the subsidy programme for the installation of charging stations will be extended from January 2023 until the 31st of December 2024* and will be running concurrently with the subsidy programme for the purchase of e-cars. Future subsidies may also be requested for semi-mobile charging stations while leasing is now also supported. Below is an overview of all adjustments.