Is the 3 % applied directly to the invoice or is it linked to other conditions as for the reduced housing VAT of 3 % (age of the house, maximum amount, etc.)?
If an instalment invoice was issued in 2022 (with 17 % VAT) but the final invoice was issued in 2023 with 3 % VAT, how is this case treated?
Who can benefit from the reduced rate of 3 %? Also companies, municipalities, NPOs, NGOs, etc.?
For a photovoltaic installation, to which parts does the VAT of 3 % refer? Also for a battery?
Where can I report an expert if there is a suspicion of systematic miscalculation for EPCs?
What should the municipality do if deviations from the EPC are identified at the construction site?
What courses of action does a municipality have if no "as built" EPC is presented?
What measures can a municipality take if the "as built” EPC no longer meets the minimum energy requirements??
What is the regulatory framework at municipal level in relation to the development of integrated housing?