Is the 3 % applied directly to the invoice or is it linked to other conditions as for the reduced housing VAT of 3 % (age of the house, maximum amount, etc.)?
If an instalment invoice was issued in 2022 (with 17 % VAT) but the final invoice was issued in 2023 with 3 % VAT, how is this case treated?
Who can benefit from the reduced rate of 3 %? Does this include businesses, municipalities, NPOs, NGOs, etc.?
For a photovoltaic installation, to which parts does the VAT of 3 % refer? Also for a battery?
For buildings bordering the State public domain, what are the setback provisions for subsequent insulation?
What are the energy requirements for new building projects?
When do you not need an energy performance certificate?
When do you need an energy performance certificate?
Why is the energy performance certificate compulsory?