What financial aid is available for the purchase and installation of a private charging station?
Which benefits-in-kind scheme for company cars will be applied for a plug-in hybrid car?
Do I have to file a tax return to take advantage of the various tax advantages?
Can the shop not simply deduct the €600 grant from the purchase price of the bike or pedelec25?
Can I claim a grant of up to €600 for a used bicycle or pedelec25?
Is the grant of up to €600 for new bicycles limited to certain types of bicycle or pedelec25?
What should I do when I have purchased a vehicle eligible for the grant of €1,000?
Is the grant of up to €1,000 for light electric vehicles also applicable to eligible used vehicles?
Is there a restriction on where the 100% electric vehicle can be purchased in order to qualify for a grant of up to €1,000?