Prix Élégance énergétique

Call for projects and concepts

Prix Élégance énergétique: award for aesthetic integration of energy transition technologies

The "Prix Élégance énergétique", organised by Klima-Agence in collaboration with the OAI, seeks to reward outstanding proposals offering innovative integrated design solutions for photovoltaic and solar power installations, heat pumps, charging stations and ventilation systems. Aesthetics will be a key factor in the evaluation of the submissions, emphasising the importance of achieving harmony between functionality and design.

The prize's main objective is to promote a pragmatic approach to architecture by demonstrating that it is possible to create aesthetically designed homes while seamlessly and effectively integrating new technologies. The aim is to raise awareness of this kind of approach among professionals as well as the general public.

The prize recognises private or public project developers, builders, designers, or contractors who, across a coherent project, have succeeded in integrating new technologies into their designs (photovoltaic or solar installations, heat pumps, charging points for electric vehicles and/or ventilation systems) whilst highlighting the aesthetic quality of new technologies in residential or functional buildings, or who have created concepts of high aesthetic value.

The prize will be awarded by Klima-Agence and the Ordre des architectes et des ingénieurs-conseils (OAI).

By showcasing the wealth of creative concepts and solutions, the award hopes to encourage the next generation of designers and construction professionals to take an aesthetic, clever and sustainable approach to the design of our external technical environment.

Projects must be registered in one of the following categories:

  1. already completed
  2. currently in the planning or construction phase.

Projects may be submitted for one or more of the following externally visible technologies:

  • photovoltaic and/or solar installations (new buildings);  
  • photovoltaic and/or solar installations (renovation or conversion of existing buildings);  
  • outdoor heat pump units (new buildings, renovations or conversions);
  • charging stations (new buildings, renovations or conversions);
  • externally visible components of ventilation systems (new buildings, renovations or conversions).

The respective technologies and categories can be selected by ticking the appropriate boxes on the application form.

Both residential and non-residential building projects are eligible. 


Project owners, builders, designers or contractors (private or public) of the concerned building or technical installations. Projects must have a connection to Luxembourg by virtue of being located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Each participant may submit several projects.


Application and document submission: when registering, applicants submit their project, succinctly outlined, using the form and the project description template, until the date indicated besides. This registration is mandatory for the participation in the prize. The project template can be used to provide additional details, photos, plans or schematics for the project. 
Candidates must submit the necessary form and project description to present their work to the jury panel, the exhibition and the publication, electronically to by the deadline indicated below.

Jury: the jury will choose the winners from among all eligible submissions.
The jury is made up of a representative from each of the following institutions:

  • Ministry of the Economy (Directorate-General for Energy)
  • Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity
  • Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning
  • Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils
  • Chambre des Métiers
  • Klima-Agence. 

Klima-Agence and the OAI will act as secretary to the jury.

The jury is sovereign in its decisions. In addition to the aesthetic and functional qualities of the projects, it makes its selection according to its own evaluation criteria and justifies its decisions in a press release published when the award is officially announced.


  • Registrations open: 03/06/2024
  • Registration deadline: before 15/08/2024
  • Deadline for project submissions: 03/09/2024
  • Presentation of results and trophies: 10/10/24 Home Expo Lux (Klima-Agence booth)

Contact person for any questions relating to project submissions, the prize, the call for projects, the awards ceremony or the jury:
Gilbert Théato, Klima-Agence (
Questions will be addressed in consultation between OAI and Klima-Agence. 

Registration form

Participation (select one of the two)
Participation category (select one of the two)
Selected technology (multiple choices possible)

Once you have completed your registration, you will be contacted by e-mail to submit all the information, such as the chosen category and technologies, for each of the projects you would like to enter in the competition.