Key steps to succeed my construction project
PRIOR TO the works
Step 1
I find out about grants and receive basic energy advice from Klima-Agence
Step 2
I contact my municipality
Step 3
I choose an architect
Step 4
I get a LENOZ certificate
DURING the works
Step 1
I check whether my tradesman has the "Energie fir d'Zukunft+" label
Step 2
Regular inspection of the works
AFTER the works
Step 1
I have a blower door test carried out and receive my "as-built" energy passport
Step 2
I receive a detailed explanation of my new installations
Step 3
I apply for financial support from the state, my municipality and my energy supplier
Step 4
I request plans and manuals
Find out more
I am investing in a sustainable future: I am building a home that consumes less energy while preserving resources and limiting my environmental impact.