Prix Élégance énergétique : promouvoir l’intégration esthétique des technologies de la transition énergétique
The Prix Élégance énergétique, organised by Klima-Agence in collaboration with the Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils (OAI), is launching its call for projects and concepts for 2024.
Launch of the new campaign ''Your energy makes the difference''
Le ministère de l'Énergie et de l'Aménagement du territoire, ensemble avec Klima Agence, a lancé, ce mardi 14 novembre 2023, la campagne de "Ton énergie fait la différence".
In the context of climate protection and energy efficiency, heat pumps are playing an increasingly important role as a solution for heating existing buildings. Despite their significant energy-saving potential, there are many myths and misinformation circulating about their use in existing homes.