Myths and common misconceptions about heat pumps

Myths about heat pumps

In the context of climate protection and energy efficiency, heat pumps are playing an increasingly important role as a solution for heating existing buildings. Despite their significant energy-saving potential, there are many myths and misinformation circulating about the use of this future-oriented technology in existing homes.

To clarify these preconceived ideas, Luxembourg's nature parks (Naturpark Our, Naturpark Öewersauer and Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall), in collaboration with Klima-Agence, have launched an information campaign. 

You can find expert clarifications in a series of videos or listed in detail below. 

Myth 1: It is essential to have underfloor heating to be able to use a heat pump
Myth 2: Heat pumps cannot provide consistently high flow temperatures
Myth 3: Heat pumps are only suitable for new builds and not for old constructions
Myth 4: Heat pumps make a lot of noise when in operation
Myth 5: Heat pumps cannot provide sufficient heat as a hybrid heating system
Myth 6: Heat pumps in old buildings are not economical, neither in operation nor in acquisition
Myth 7: Heat pumps do not save CO2 because they use coal-fired electricity
Myth 8: Heat pumps lead to load issues on the power grid
Myth 9: Air-to-air heat pumps (split air conditioning systems) are unable to cool efficiently
Myth 10: Heat pumps require extensive maintenance and have a short life span
Myth 11: Heat pumps rely on environmentally hazardous coolants
Myth 12: Heat pumps cannot be operated without a buffer tank
Myth 13: Heat pumps cannot be used successfully in apartment buildings
Myth 14: Heat pumps are not substantially subsidised
Myth 15: Heat pumps do not work in cold environments