After the first edition in July 2023, LIST, Luxinvovation and Neobulding are proud to announce the return of the "sustainable construction of resilient cities" conference. Scheduled for the 23rd of May 2024, this second edition promises to be both impactful and enriching.
This year's event will also be attended by Klima-Agence, represented by its expert in sustainable energy transition, Yann Trausch. Mr Trausch will be giving a presentation on the heat register and the subsides available.
At this 2.0 edition, industry leaders, innovators and sustainability enthusiasts will be coming together to delve deep into the environmental challenges facing Luxembourg's construction industry. The day will start off with a set of inspiring keynote speeches and a stimulating round table discussion on the life cycle of buildings and their environmental impact.
Participants will then have the opportunity to choose from three parallel workshops, each focusing on specific challenges such as waste heat, water reclamation, and resource circularity. These workshops will feature contributions from experts and stakeholders, encouraging knowledge sharing and collaborative dialogue at a supranational level.
For more information on the conference and registrations:
Let's work together to build a future where sustainability and responsible construction are synonymous.