Call for tenders for large-scale photovoltaic power plants
The 6th subsidy tender (15-year market premium contract) for the construction and operation of solar power plants is open until 29 November 2024.
The tender is divided into five lots :
- Lot 1 : Industrial land (power > 500 kWp and ≤ 20 MWp).
- Lot 2 : Building roofs (capacity > 200 kWp and ≤ 500 kWp).
- Lot 3 : Building roofs (power > 500 kWp and ≤ 5 MWp).
- Lot 4 : ‘Innovative’ (on a Building: roofs with lightweight modules, modules on facades)
- Sub-lot 4a : > 200 kWp and ≤ 500 kWp
- Sub-lot 4b : > 500 kWp and ≤ 3 MWp
- Lot 5 : Canopy or water basins (power > 30 kWp and ≤ 3 MWp).
The plant must consist of new photovoltaic cells.
The bidder may be a natural or legal person.
In principle, the plant must be completed within eighteen (18) months.
More information can be found at guichet (How to proceed: call for tenders) :
Detailed specifications are only available on request from