From 15 December 2018, energy advisors, whose clients wish to benefit from financial aid for an energy renovation project, must be approved by the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, and participate in a quality assurance system. With its "Klima-Agence certified" label, Klima-Agence offers consistent quality assurance in the field of energy and sustainability consulting for residential buildings. To this effect, Klima-Agence has signed a corresponding agreement with the Ministry of the Environment.
This agreement is underpinned by the Law of 23 December 2016, which came into force on 1 January 2017 and establishes a financial aid scheme to promote sustainability, the rational use of energy and of renewable energies in housing.
When providing energy advice and ad hoc support in the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the context of an energy renovation, energy advisors must have a licence in accordance with the provisions of the Law of 21 April 1993.
Klima-Agence has been developing the "Klima-Agence certified" certification system since 2013, with the aim of taking into account legislative and regulatory changes and to ensure that the label complies with the conditions and obligations of a quality assurance system. Participation in “Klima-Agence certified” therefore fulfils the condition of membership of a quality assurance system mentioned in the agreement issued by the Environment Agency.
In addition, Klima-Agence organises exchange meetings for energy advisors who are part of the "Klima-Agence certified" label. This allows for exchanges between professionals in a working environment facilitated by Klima-Agence.