In its National Energy and Climate Plan, Luxembourg foresees that by 2030, 49% of passenger cars registered in the country should be electric or plug-in hybrids.
In July 2020, an incentive scheme for charging infrastructure for private (natural) persons was established. It includes the “Clever Fueren” incentive for the purchase of electric vehicles and the “Clever Lueden” incentive for the installation of private charging stations, recently renamed “Klimabonus”.
In order to complete this system, the government is preparing to introduce a new aid scheme for companies investing in charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.
Two types of subsidies are planned:
- one for companies, which will be granted following a competitive procedure (calls for projects): this subsidy will support large-scale projects, in particular charging infrastructures accessible to the public, in order to accelerate the deployment of a larger network of charging stations and to increase charging power in Luxembourg;
- one reserved for SMEs, with the aim of encouraging them to make their own transition to electromobility as part of their economic activity.
On the initiative of the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning with the support of Luxinnovation and Klima-Agence, webinars presented in detail these new measures and the advantages they offer to national companies:
Download the documents related to the presentation.