The energy performance certificate for buildings

08/11/21 - News

What is an energy performance certificate (EPC)?

The energy performance certificate (EPC) or energy passport is a quality label that defines the energy performance of a building. The EPC provides information on a building’s energy efficiency of buildings and thus enables a comparison with other buildings. This allows consumers to assess the energy quality of a building, without needing any technical knowledge.

Why is an energy performance certificate mandatory?

The energy performance certificate is a statutory obligation; therefore, no subsidies are granted for its preparation.

The establishment of the energy performance certificate is carried out according to precise rules defined by the Grand-Ducal regulation of 9 June 2021 concerning the energy performance of buildings. An EPC is valid for 10 years from the date of its issue. The establishment of an EPC does not entail any direct obligation to carry out energy renovations.

When is an EPC needed?

New construction: any building that is subject to a building permit application. (A feasibility study on the use of renewable energies must be attached to the building permit application.)Yes
Extension of an existing buildingYes
Modification of an existing building (building permission required), if the surface area of the modified element of the thermal envelope exceeds the surface area of the same existing element (walls, windows, roof...) by 10% and if the modification has an impact on the energy profile of the building. (An energy performance certificate is required for the new situation.)Yes
Substantial alterations to an existing building (without planning permission), if the surface area of the altered element of the thermal envelope exceeds the surface area of the same existing element (walls, windows, roof, etc.) by 10% and if the alteration has an impact on the energy performance of the building. (An energy performance certificate is required for the new situation.)Yes
Change of owner or tenantYes
Demolition: sale of a building that will be demolished after purchase, if the building has a heating system, external walls and a roof.No
Demolition: sale of a ruin or a building that does not have a heating system and will be demolished after the purchase.No
Modification of technical installations, if the modifications to these technical installations exceed €1,500 (for a single-family house) or €3,000 (for a multi-family house).Yes
Inheritance or donationNo
Public sale by way of parole, foreclosure or public auctionNo

Who may issue an energy passport?

The following professions are authorised to issue energy passports: architects and consulting engineers whose profession is regulated by the Law of 13 December 1989 concerning the organisation of the professions of architects and consulting engineers; all experts approved by the Ministry of the Economy. A list of approved energy passport issuers can be found at

The list of Klima-Agence certified advisors also provides a selection of qualified professionals who have additionally been certified by Klima-Agence.

Evolution of the requirements for new buildings

In Luxembourg, every new residential building will be a Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) from 2017. As a rule, an NZEB corresponds to the classes AAA. In addition, however, location-specific conditions will be taken into account, which may result in deviations from the AAA classes.


Energy performance certificat