Subsidies for company vehicles and charging infrastructure

State subsidies for electric vehicles
Apply for a subsidies for the purchase of an electric vehicle
Förderung für Fahrzeuge mit null Emissionen
Temporary environmental impact aid scheme
Subsidies for electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Please note: incentive effect to be respected for all subsidy applications (state or otherwise) "subject to meeting the eligibility conditions".

Subsidy for charging infrastructure provided by SMEs
Subsidy for charging infrastructures following a call for projects

Subsidy from electricity and natural gas suppliers (can be combined with government subsidies)

Since 2015, natural gas and electricity suppliers have been required to make energy savings for consumers as part of the obligation mechanism. Since then, energy suppliers have been offering support and advisor services as well as subsidy programmes for consumers to implement energy efficiency measures. 

The following suppliers offer this service to businesses: 

Example of a bonus for improving a fleet of vehicles