On Wednesday 13 September, the first guided tour of the streets of Differdange highlighted the renovation potential of an entire neighbourhood, bringing together residents, municipal representatives as well as the Minister for the Environment, Joëlle Welfring, and the Minister for Energy, Claude Turmes, as part of the "Zesumme renovéieren" initiative.

Guided by the expertise of the district's energy advisor, the "Zesumme renovéieren" neighbourhood visit enabled the 40 participants to visualise how different types of houses could be improved in terms of energy efficiency. Manuel Lopes, the municipal architect, and Catherine Medernach, the INPA architect, also emphasised the importance of preserving heritage by presenting a house in the cité ouvrière that was renovated in 2008-2009 by the municipality of Differdange in collaboration with the INPA.
A local resident involved in the project also shared her personal experience, highlighting the support she received throughout her own renovation project. The participants then had the opportunity to ask their questions and sign up for the project.
The evening ended with a reception hosted by the municipality.